Sign into Dokuwiki with Google

Dokuwiki( is a nice and helpful gift by the opensource community. Being a favor of administrators for ease maintenance and integration options, it caters the needs of a content management system or as a corporate or a personal note keeper. In this post I am sharing an approach we followed to keep this simplicity as it is, while making it available for an existing Google user-base via Single Sign On capabilities. We made use of the extend-ability of Dokuwiki via plugins and OAuth 2.0 protocol based integration provided by Google for this purpose. Let's look at the flow and then how this was configured. Flow As in the diagram, when the user comes to the Dokuwiki login page, we want to show them the option of login via Google. With this feature available, if they are already logged into Google, they will be automatically logged into Dokuwiki with Single Sign On in action. If not, they will go through the Google login procedure at Google site, as usu...